Essential Laptop Protection with Two Tailored Options

At Stock Technologies, we understand that every business has unique security needs. That's why we offer our state-of-the-art anti-theft software for laptops in two distinct packages: Basic and Premium. Choose the level of protection and support that best fits your business requirements.

Basic Package

Core Protection

Our Basic package provides the fundamental features of our anti-theft software, ensuring robust security for your laptops. This package includes:

  • Geofencing: Set and monitor geographical boundaries.
  • Screen Locking: Mandatory password protection for device security.
  • Custom Wiping: Capability to remotely wipe data in emergencies.
  • Factory Reset: Reset devices to original settings when needed.
  • Kill Switch: Instantly render devices unusable in case of theft.
  • Remote Encryption: Secure remote working devices for compliance.

Premium Package

Comprehensive Security and Support

The Premium package encompasses all the features of the Basic package, plus an extensive range of services and support from Stock Technologies. This all-inclusive option ensures not only the security of your devices but also offers full-service management and assistance. The Premium package includes:

  • All Basic Package Features
  • Initial Software Setup: Installation of anti-theft software on new devices.
  • Software Removal Assistance: Safe removal from decommissioned devices.
  • Geolocation Assistance: Setup and ongoing management of geofencing.
  • Reporting and History: Detailed device location history and reports.
  • Lost/Stolen Device Support: Complete management for lost or stolen devices.
  • Regular Inventory Audits: Periodic checks to keep device records current.
  • Proactive Alert Handling: Managing alerts to filter out unnecessary notifications.

 Why Choose Stock Technologies?

Whether you opt for our Basic or Premium package, Stock Technologies provides robust, user-friendly anti-theft software tailored to protect your business assets. With our Premium package, enjoy the peace of mind that comes with comprehensive support and management, ensuring your business stays secure and efficient.